Decade Of Action

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Decade of Action is an ANBI foundation (Public Benefit Organization) as approved by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, which means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen. Being a ‘ANBI’, donations for Decade of Action are deductible from taxable income.




Statutory name:         Decade of Action Foundation

Brand name:              Decade of Action

RSIN/Tax number:     861403095

Banking details:          NL46TRIO0320027236

Swift code:                  TRIONL2U

Chamber of Commerce:        78450233




Decade of Action



Cabralstraat 1

1057 CD, Amsterdam

The Netherlands





Decade of action has an annual policy plan in place.


Our mission is to make ourselves redundant within 10 years. Within that time frame we will have to get to the desired and needed systems change; a change in values, norms, policy and behaviour. 10 years of campaigning and mobilising; connecting people, touching their hearts, changing, uniting. 10 years of coming together in unity and a balanced life with our planet.

Fundraising strategy

Our fundraising strategy focusses on donations. Donations are only used for agreed purposes, according to project plans that have been approved by the supervisory board. All available capital is at free disposal of Decade of Action Foundation on her bank accounts.



Managing director: Mark Aink

Project leader & organization: Li Hoekstra



·       Jeroen H.J. Voskamp – unity (member)
Entrepreneur, Owner of Voskamp Groep
Board member of Buitenplaats De Hoorneboeg
Founder of True Blue Foundation

·       Shinta Oosterwaal – integrity (integrity advisor)
Partner Purpose Minds
Executive Coach

·       Herman H.F. Wijffels – wisdom (member)
Professor Emeritus
Advisor Sustainable Development
Former Chair SER
Former Chair Rabobank

·       Alexandra Korijn – preservation (treasurer)
Project Lead Katapult Foundation
Curator PYM
Member Supervisory Board Pymwymic
Management Board Soil Heroes Foundation

·       Liet van Beuningen – action (chair)
Founder of The Mothership Investments
Chair of the Board PYM
Co-Founder Women in Blockchain Investment Club
SheEO Activator

The board is responsible for supervising the general affairs of the Decade of Action and supervises the management and the policy implemented. The board meets for this purpose four times a year. The board checks annually whether the activities and spending of resources are in line with the aim of the foundation.



The Decade of Action Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Decade of Action will finance the intended goals mainly through donations and contributions from companies and funds. It does not exclude income from projects, but does not pursue it either.
The financial resources are used for:
·       Specific actions and projects.

·       To start with, the permanent employees of the foundation receive compensation for their activities of €2.500,- per month plus expenses. The aim is that the salaries of employees of Decade of Action can in the future be in line with the guidelines of Goede Doelen Nederland. This guideline is an average of the highest and lowest in the charitable sector. The charitable sector is understood to be: nature and environment, welfare and culture, health and international cooperation.

·       The members of the board are not remunerated for their work. They are entitled to reimbursement of the costs reasonably incurred by them.
·       The volunteers of the foundation do not receive any compensation for their work.



Our annual reports are available.